EuroSpaceHub Ibiza Forum : #EqualPanel Project in Action!

EuroSpaceHub is committed to the #EqualPanel Project to significantly and sustainably increase the presence of women in top positions in Europe and to spreading best practices to achieve real gender equality. At our upcoming 2023 Ibiza Forum, we are following the European Women’s Management Development’s 10 Guidelines for organising speaker panels enumerated below, and we encourage our community to commit to the EWMD’s Pact for Gender Equality linked below!

EWMD’S 10 Guidelines for Gender Equality in Panels

  • 1. The event is organised based on the widest view of gender equality and participants and public are informed of this also through the initiative’s means of communication.
  • 2. Speakers of the panel are equally represented by gender in every area, including the scientific sector.
  • 3. Every speaker (female and male), before accepting the invitation to participate in a panel, shall check whether a fair gender representation was kept into consideration and shall subordinate his/her confirmation to the existence of a well-balanced women’s representation.
  • 4. All speakers in the panel shall have the same importance: women shall not be confined to mere presentation roles.
  • 5. The event’s organising or scientific committee is composed in compliance with gender equality principles.
  • 6. The event is organised in accordance with principles of inclusion, ensuring the widest degree of reconciliation between family and work life of the participants. The time schedules are compatible with family commitments; the presence of the speakers’ children is encouraged, and a baby-sitting service is offered where possible; attendance via videoconference is also encouraged.
  • 7. Invitations can be diversified in respect of top positions, if leaders of the institutions or businesses included in the panel are not women.
  • 8. Every organisation commits to identifying female skills in all areas in order to suggest female speakers in panels.
  • 9. The assignment of sponsorships or financial contributions to support the event is subject to verification that the organiser is engaged to achieve gender equality.
  • 10. The Event organisation agrees to actively monitor the compliance with the #equalpanel rules. Once a year, the organisation reports to EWMD Italy the results relating to all event held.

How to Join the #EqualPanel Project Pact

The #Equalpanel Project was designed and created to invite companies, institutions, associations, public administrations and all stakeholders to join a pact for gender equality in the panels of conferences, seminars and events, and to invite all citizens to support it.

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