EuroSpaceHub Space Business course in Norway

In cooperation with the Norwegian Space Agency (NRC) and in the framework of the EuroSpaceHub activities, ISU organized a business-oriented course in Oslo from 27.5 till 31.5 in the NRC premises. The course was attended by 32 professionals (including two academics), from which 9 were from Norway.

The courses basically merged three groups of topics, namely the space applications, NewSpace economics and policy and law aspects, and topics of local specific interest. Whereas the first two topics were mainly covered by ISU lecturers, local experts covered points of specific interest such as the local start-up environment, smallsat activities in Norway and the NewSpace oriented small launcher activities in the Andøya launch facility.
On request of the local host, specific emphasis was placed upon the impact of space on society at present and in the future, including aspects of Artificial Intelligence and digital twins in particular based upon earth observation images.